Simple Object Rotate

I’m looking for help with a simple rotate. All I would like is for a planet to rotate. For perfection I want it to be scripted, not animation. I’ve tried a few things that I’ve found online, however it makes it rotate with x and y axis. I have a planet and all I want it to do is spin, well rotate. Any help would be appreciated, thanks a lot.

Do you mean for the planet to travel along a path that rotates around the sun, or for the planet to spin on it’s own axis?

In a new scene, create a cube, position it at (5,0,0), attach this script :

var PlanetRotateSpeed : float = -25.0;
var OrbitSpeed : float = 10.0;

function Update() {
    // planet to spin on it's own axis
    transform.Rotate(transform.up * PlanetRotateSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
    // planet to travel along a path that rotates around the sun
    transform.RotateAround (, Vector3.up, OrbitSpeed * Time.deltaTime);