does anyone have or know of the ‘simplest’ project that would demonstrate opengl drawing in unity pro? even drawing a quad would suffice, so long as the calls to draw are GL.
we can’t seem to engage the gl system to draw. so we need a simple debug case that works. an entire project that would encapsulate all state would be ideal.
indeed, we’re pretty GL tested. and i started down the debug path until i realized that we could be looking at a very low level problem - like the build isn’t allowing GL code to draw in its context.
thanks! that got something drawn to the screen (i was skeptical). and i was able to duplicate in c# (our native script) and c. so GL is in fact working. once we’re through, i’ll post a complete project that may be useful for debugging.
Here’s a project I used as the first lecture in a Computer Science Graphics course I teach for MacEwan University. It doesn’t do much, though, except use triangles to display a square or hexagon.