This is what I want to happen: I have randomly spawned objects. I want each player to be able to interact with the objects by clicking on them and then clicking somewhere else to throw them.
I have all of that working for several days now in single player. I’m using Raycasts for detection. I have zero issues.
The problem is multiplayer. I cannot get my client to interact at all. The host works fine, but the client will not interact with anything that has a NetworkTransform on it.
I have tried ClientRpc, ServerRpc, sending lists, sending everything, spawning and despawning things over and over, clientnetworktransforms, so on.
I figured I would get the answer eventually, but I have not. For something so seemingly simple it is driving me up a wall. As I was writing this post, I thought I should try moving the player object (which is currently mostly an empty object), and yes, it took two seconds, put a script on it, just worked. Why can’t I move other objects like that as well?
Short version: How the hell do I move objects on a client with raycast?