Hi guys. I am totally new in unity3D and game programming. What atracted me to unity3d is it is possible to create andorid and ios games using unity3D. My question is lets suppose I create a game for android( I created animations, scripts and etc.) Will it be possible for me to create same game for ios using same source code in unity3d?
For the most part that’s the idea, that you don’t need to change anything other than the build target. However different targets have some different specific needs, like ios you need to set up a few other things, and maybe if the device is different then so to may be the method of input, the performance, or the screen resolution etc.
as long as the inputs are mouse based…keyboard on tablet wouldn’t work
AS mentioned by Herman111, only the input scripts will have to be edited, which is why it’s rather useful to use the tagged inputs rather than hard-coded values for the input. That way when building for say the computer you can use the keyboard, but change that setting and that setting only to use a virtual joystick when building for touchscreen enabled devices. Of course the machine it will run on might cause a few additional changes, such as needing simpler animations, or better optimization in the code to run properly, etc… but these are machine dependent and so don’t technically count in a hypothetical “will it work” as it will work but possibly slower/laggy.