Simple script for a multiple choice mouse click game


I am creating a serious game in Unity for a project. The object of the game is to teach children how read the word for various colors that the game will show you. I have the basic UI build, but I do not know enough about the scripting side of Unity to know where to go now.

The colored light on the top is suppose to mix with the color of the cube (this is just going to be a new shape, in this case the new shape will be purple, unless there is a way to make two objects mix) The player must then click the corresponding word below. When the click the word, it will fill in with the appropriate color and then tell you if you are right or wrong. If the answer is wrong the player will continue until they get it right. When the player answers the question correctly it goes onto another scene with another question.

How would I go about scripting the 3d text to accept mouse clicks? Is there anything else you would recommend I build for this.


Add a box collider to the text and write an OnMouseUp or OnMouseDown function in a script attached to the words game object.