simple smooth physic from old games

Hi anyone have any idea how to simulate physic from an old game: pikachu volleyball?

I tried and unity physic looks too real and the ball is very heavy compare to the pikachu volleyball

Try lowering mass property in ball’s rigidbody component.

i tried but still cant be so smooth without any drag

what makes you think thats a physics based game? I highly doubt it is.

so turn off the physic?

Code the movement. pseudocode…


x += vx
y += vy

if (x<-xlimit)
vx = -vx
x = -xlimit

… repeat for other side, and y axis, adding some gravity and so on.

And so on. Naturally you need to multiply by deltatime and so on, but this is a pretty basic game development thing you should be able to perform yourself without the physics engine, and will likely teach you valuable lessons.