Simple text GUI

Hey guys, so I’m pretty new to Unity’s UI system and I have a question. So I have a bool in a script and when the bool is returned true, I want a simple text to show up in the left under corner of the screen, how can I achieve this with preferably no inspector setup at all, so everything done true scripting. It’s just a simple sentence so something like this

if(bool == true)
GUI.enabled = true;

else GUI.enabled = false;

what is the most efficient way to achieve this (I don’t know how to work with canvasses and stuff and all the new things in unity 5.0)


If you simple need to display one thing, like FPS or a small watermark I still like the legacy OnGUI() functions

You can place an IF statement inside of here and wrap it around everything

void OnGUI () {

    if(bool == true)
        	// simple, but you could put tons of logic in here too
        	GUI.Label(new Rect(20,40,80,20), "Text Here, COOL! "));

Ok Enough. The best way to make it manually:

1-Make an object

2-Add component>Rendering>Gui Text

You made …!