This is the first unity game that I’ve “finished”, and therefore I’d like to get some feedback.
This game was made for a multimedia course at my university. I did this together with a friend. He was responsible for all the art, I did the code.
We’ve really overdone it by making a real game (other students made simple VRML97 interaction demo’s). However, thanks to unity this only cost us about 2 days to create.
The game:
The highscores:
The objective will be quite hard to find the first time you play the game…however, after the first round you will know and remember the plan of the Vrije Universiteit from Amsterdam!
The game isn’t polished…and at the moment I have no plans to improve it any further…since we already overdid and I got no plans for this game…Unless my uni wants to use an improved version as promo.
Now I can get back to some real games ;). Do expect better quality next time