Hey, i’ve been having a strange issue with a project i’m working on.
I have a simple vehicle (4 wheels, joints with motors to rotate them, no suspension)
Whenever I accelerate, the main body starts to tilt up as if something is rotating it, even though only the wheels are rotating.
All bodies have a weight of 0.01, and tweaking them doesn’t make any difference (i.e making wheels lighter, making main body heavier). Center of mass seems fine, and lowering it also doesn’t make a difference. The only thing I haven’t played around with is the inertiaTensor.
Something to note is that i’m using the new PhysX 4 ArticulationBody component introduced in Unity 2020.1, but the same issue occurred using regular RigidBodies. I switched to ArticulationBodies for more joint stability.
Any ideas on how to fix this issue? Since this is a “build your own creation” type game (i.e Besiege), I want the solution to be applicable even if the object connected to the joint isn’t a wheel (it could be an arbitrary body with different mass/shape/etc)
A side note to this is that after trying this concept with RigidBodies/hinge joints and having them be very unstable/bendy, I wonder how games like the one I mentioned before pull off such “solid” joints. I did also look into testing/buying APE , but it seems they aren’t currently selling to indie developers so right now i’m using PhysX 4 as a solution
Thanks in advance