With much tinkering, I accidentally put together a very basic way to have your character controller (or other homebrew script) ascend gracefully instead of teleport and then descend. I know most of us figure out the slow falling gravity part, but the jumping is always a pain in the butt. So here’s the solution I’d like to share with you all because a few hours of googling were useless to me and probably others.
//keep camera on top of body
Vector3 camPos = body.position + (body.up*1);
transform.position = camPos;
Vector3 movement = (transform.forward * moveZ * Time.deltaTime) + (transform.right * moveX * Time.deltaTime);
lastFlag = controller.collisionFlags;
if(lastFlag == CollisionFlags.CollidedBelow)
movement.y = 0;
else if(lastFlag == CollisionFlags.None)
movement.y -= (gravity * Time.deltaTime) - (vertical_force * Time.deltaTime);
movement.y = Mathf.Clamp(movement.y, maxFall*-1, maxFall*10);
if(vertical_force > 0)
vertical_force -= gravity * Time.deltaTime;
if(vertical_force < 0)
vertical_force = 0;
vertical_force = 20;
//transform.position += movement;
No coroutines just a slight modification to the gravity line we all come up with. My gravity force is 10, so I chose a vertical/jump force of 20. If you choose 10 or less, you will not jump, because gravity will immediately overcome your vertical force. Jump is set in another function that polls the keyboard for input.
jump = (lastFlag == CollisionFlags.CollidedBelow) && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space);
I don’t know what the norm is for using Time.deltaTime in multiple places instead of making a temporary variable at the beginning of each update, but you get the idea here.