I’ve trawled through the documentation referring to GUIStyles, Skins and how to operate them but so far with no success. Can somebody give me a simple explanation on how to implement word wrapping on a guitext, or a Textmesh?
I’ve trawled through the documentation referring to GUIStyles, Skins and how to operate them but so far with no success. Can somebody give me a simple explanation on how to implement word wrapping on a guitext, or a Textmesh?
GUIStyles are used by the Unity GUI system (OnGUI callback). The GUIText and TextMesh components do not use GUIStyles. Furthermore those components don’t have a size to which they should / could wrap around.
So the simple answer is: no, there’s no “simple way” for GUIText or TextMesh to wordwrap.
that and GUI skins can be set to automatically wordwrap.
function OnGUI() {
GUI.skin.button.wordWrap = true;
Just change the word wrap setting for whatever kind of gui you want (button, label, box…)