Simplemove controls without the gravity

Hey all!
This has been bothering me and took me a while to find out but I am making an aircraft vehicle and I have made the controls so it speeds up using simplemove. However simplemove adds gravity and I need to disable the gravity, is there anyway to do this? this is my script so far: (I have taken out some of the extra features such as handbreak etc…)

    private var conversionMetrics : float = 9.2;
    var vehicleSpeed : float = 0.0;
    var topSpeed = 120;
    var tireTraction : int = 3;
    function Update() 
        var controller : CharacterController = GetComponent(CharacterController);
    	var moveDirection = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
    	var curSpeed = vehicleSpeed * Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
    	//Rotate code
    	transform.Rotate(0, Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * tireTraction, 0);
    //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Increase Speed~~~~~~~~~
    	if (Input.GetKey("w") || Input.GetKey("up"))
    		if (vehicleSpeed < topSpeed)
    			vehicleSpeed += 1 * Time.deltaTime * conversionMetrics;
    	if (Input.GetKey("s") || Input.GetKey("down"))
    		if (vehicleSpeed > 0)
    			vehicleSpeed -= 5 * Time.deltaTime * conversionMetrics;
    			if (vehicleSpeed == 3)
    				vehicleSpeed = 0;
    	if (Input.GetKey("q"))
    		gameObject.transform.position.y += 1 * Time.deltaTime * conversionMetrics;
        // Move the controller
        controller.Move(moveDirection * vehicleSpeed);

I read on-line that to get rid of the gravity I should use move instead, however the only way I can think to keep it moving is by using a boolean for every action. Is there any other way? please and thank you!

The parameter passed to SimpleMove is the velocity vector, while Move requires the 3D displacement. In order to convert velocity to displacement, just multiply velocity by Time.deltaTime: this calculates the distance moved at such velocity since last frame.

You could use the “Vertical” axis to control acceleration, but the different effects of accelerating and breaking must be taken into account, using different multipliers for positive and negative acceleration:

private var conversionMetrics : float = 9.2; 
var vehicleSpeed : float = 0.0; 
var topSpeed = 120; 
var tireTraction : int = 3;

function Update() 
    var controller : CharacterController = GetComponent(CharacterController);
    var moveDirection = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);

    //Rotate code - use Time.deltaTime to get stable results:
    transform.Rotate(0, Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * tireTraction * Time.deltaTime, 0);

    // get the acceleration from the "Vertical" axis:
    var accel = Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * Time.deltaTime * conversionMetrics;
    if (accel > 0){
        accel *= 1; // forward acceleration
    } else {
        accel *= 5; // breaking
    // apply to the vehicle speed, clamping to the limits:
    vehicleSpeed = Mathf.Clamp(vehicleSpeed + accel, 0, topSpeed);
    // calculate the horizontal velocity vector:
    moveDirection *= vehicleSpeed; 
    if (Input.GetKey("q")) // include vertical up velocity:
       moveDirection.y = 1 * conversionMetrics;

    // Convert velocity to distance multiplying by Time.deltaTime
    // and Move the character:
    controller.Move(moveDirection * Time.deltaTime);

You can just remove gravity from Unity. Edit->Project Settings->Physics->Gravity

or go here