Simply GUI Texture Menu Help

I have a simple cube, flattened out, with a material that is the background image.
Now, I place 2 GUI Textures in the scene, and I want to click them to do something (Load the first level scene, load a help scene, etc.)

I have tried several “tutorials” on the subject, but I am falling way short. Any help is appreciated.

Here’s what I have this far (nearly nothing other than the public bits):

public class SplashMenu : MonoBehaviour {
	public Texture2D PlayButton;
	public Texture2D HelpButton;
	public int ButtonHeight = 80;
	public int ButtonWidth = 200;

	void OnGUI() {
		GUI.DrawTexture (new Rect(Screen.width * .5f, Screen.height *.5f, Screen.width *.5f, Screen.height * .1f), PlayButton);

This is working to show the buttons:

public class SplashMenu : MonoBehaviour {
	public Texture2D PlayButton;
	public Texture2D HelpButton;
	public float ButtonHeight = 80;
	public float ButtonWidth = 200;
	public float ButtonX = Screen.width * .5f;
	public float ButtonY = Screen.height * .5f;

	void OnGUI() {
		GUI.DrawTexture (new Rect(ButtonX, ButtonY, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight), PlayButton);
		GUI.DrawTexture (new Rect(ButtonX, ButtonY + ButtonHeight, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight), HelpButton);

However, when I add in the event checker, I get this error:

public class SplashMenu : MonoBehaviour {
	public Texture2D PlayButton;
	public Texture2D HelpButton;
	public float ButtonHeight = 80;
	public float ButtonWidth = 200;
	public float ButtonX = Screen.width * .5f;
	public float ButtonY = Screen.height * .5f;

	// Draw something in the boxes
	void OnGUI() {
		Rect Button1 = new Rect(ButtonX, ButtonY, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight);
		Rect Button2 = new Rect(ButtonX, ButtonY + ButtonHeight, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight);
		GUI.DrawTexture (Button1, PlayButton);
		GUI.DrawTexture (Button2, HelpButton);

	void Update() {
	// Check for clickage
	if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
			Debug.Log ("Mouse in Button1");