Simulated Pixels

Hello, fellow Unity Devs,

I have been working on a pixel simulation. This system can simulate different types of pixel elements such as

  • Solids (Wood, Iron)
  • Powders (Rust, Sand)
  • Gases (Generic Gas, Smoke, Steam)
  • Liquids (Water)

To improve the graphics, I have been thinking about increasing the resolution and adding postprocessing effects such as bloom.

Would you be interested in textured backgrounds, animated sprites that can interact with the simulation such as corrosion, buoyancy, burn, etc.

I have been thinking about sharing this through the asset store if there is enough interest.
Sorry English is not my first language; please let me know what do you think in the comments :slight_smile:



Pretty sure there would be interest for this, because of that Noita game.
(if its ready to use, has character controllers, supports large levels, mobile etc)

Looks like a good start. I wrote similar system that runs on GPU a few months ago ( I didn’t have time to take my experiment further but I thought also about extending the idea to collapsing ground and gasses etc instead of just doing liquids.

It might be a good idea to add density-based shading for materials and some sort of “3D” shading to the enviroment so that it can be made to look more neat. i.e. make some sort of emboss-style shading and so on. Add support for overlay texture for the enviroment?

Lighting (either naive light blobs or something more realistic), and many other things might be worth it, as it’s hard to post process that pixel graphics result unless you provide some tools/access for it. You could probably just let the normal Unity post-processing take care of Bloom etc., but maybe you could add some custom effects that fit the style better?

is the speed represented by the gif, cus it seems quite slow.

This would work nicely in our game Junkships! Could add destructable environment that spawns grit and stuff! Awesome work!

Iirc @JoeStrout has already made something similar called “pixelsurface”

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how you made this simulation
i am not new in unity but i don’t know how to make simulations like these

Perhaps you’ll find the PixelSurface thread helpful.