Simulator crash with 2022.3.18f1

We are seeing a crash in simulator (doesn’t seem to happen on device) after upgrading to 2022.3.18f1. We are fully immersive VR, and the crash happens with 0.7.3 and 1.0.3. The crash is not consistent and happens in a few different places:

  1. Immediately after launch, before reaching our code.
  2. Shortly after #1, but after some of our code has run.
  3. If it makes it past those points, it will load into our scene and remain stable, but it will crash 100% of the time when attempting to do certain things, both of which involve loading an AssetBundle.

In all three cases the crash looks the same, it happens on a worker thread in “_platform_memmove ()”.

I have a test project that reproduces at least crash location #1 (sometimes, not 100%) that I can share with someone from Unity if it would help.


We are attempting to update to 1.0.3 now, and also seeing the crash in the picture. We tried to reimport all, and I noticed that one of our VolumeCameraWindowConfigurations had a missing script on it, like the VolumeCameraWindowConfiguration was imported incorrectly. So we deleted the configuration and recreated.

After all that above we are no longer seeing the #1 crash you have mentioned, but now our asset bundles aren’t being included in our Xcode project for some reason.

Not sure if helpful or not, just echoing that we have seen #1 as well, and are seeing something odd with asset bundles now as well.

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We are also seeing the crash in the picture.


In my case, type “bt” show the backtrace.

I think maybe some texture size too large in my project, so I Apply Overiddes Max Texture Size to “Max 2048”, after this change no longer seeing the crash.

Hope this can help.


Same crash here


We are having the same problem

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Has anybody been successful with a Max of 4096?

just tried with 2048, but it still happens : (

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Setting max texture 1024 size did the job

I also post my situation PolySpatial v1.0.3 crash at UploadTextureData but v0.7.1 not crash

Set texture size to 1024 fix crash in some cases but not all, downgrade to 0.7.1 and disable PolySpatial runtime fix all crashes. Since I’m developing VR game, so PolySpatial runtime seems not be necessary.

How exactly are you “disabling Polyspatial”? We are also only VR and having this crash.

Uncheck enable runtime in PolySpatial plugin tab in project settings.

Now I just uninstall this plugin and reclone whole project from git to clean any untracked files and fresh load project to fix all crashes(only uninstall plugin will left some files which still cause crash), I dont use any feature from this plugin.

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This is probably why it hasn’t helped yet - will try this. Thank you @leozzyzheng2

[Blocker] We had similar crash only in the xcode sim. Unity 2022.18 PS 1.0.3. Started yesterday afternoon. Mon, Tues, Wed the simulator worked fine. This screen shot is side by side of the error (on the left) with a simulator build from earlier in the day that runs fine (on the right)

Bug Incident Number
IN-67098 - [Blocker] xcode Simulator Crash for visionOS Virtual Reality PS 1.03 Unity 2022.

Great suggestions here. Much appreciated We’re up and running in the xcode sim again.

Max Texture 2024 (1024 also works) on Build window
Screenshot 2024-01-26 at 11.33.37 AM

Project Settings / Quality set to Low for visionOS Just adjusting the max texture did not work for us.

Import Compress Images (We had unchecked this to get better images) This may be what started our issues.

Hope this helps someone else. Good Luck out there!

This crash is due to a bug in how ASTC compressed textures are handled in Apple’s Simulator; we thought the issue was fixed so took out our workaround in 18f1, but turns out it wasn’t fully fixed. The workaround (to uncompress at runtime, in the simulator only) is back in 19f1!

You can get an early download of 2022.3.19f1 here:

Unity 2022.3.19f1 Editor (Apple Silicon) Installer
Unity 2022.3.19f1 visionOS Platform Support Installer

The full beta page should you need additional platforms is here (but note that visionOS isn’t yet listed here, and the “download assistant” seems to sometimes install the Intel editor!) Unity 2022.3.19f1 download files

Please let us know if this fixes things for you all!


This seems to fix all the crashes, thank you! I don’t suppose you have a rough idea of when this will get released officially?

A couple more days, but unless something unexpected happens, this will be the exact thing that is released. It’s just undergoing testing right now.

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Thanks! 2022.3.19f1 fixed everything for us in full-immersion. Oddly enough, 2022.3.18f1 was still crashing even with just a single untextured default quad in a scene before switching to 2022.3.19f1

Converting to 2022.19 fixed this for us as well.
History: We tried upping the Project Settings/Quality defaults from very low to low and that brought back the sim crash seen above. Then our steps described in our post above didn’t fix it.

Upgrading from 2022.18 to 2022.19 fixed the sim crash for a fully immersed (VR) experience. Appreciate the fix!

Hello, I had the same problem. 2022.3.18f1 worked for me just once, then I started having the xcode simulator crash like everyone else did, I also tried setting texture max size to 1024, setting quality, etc, also tried 2022.3.19f1, and combinations of those stuff, also tried restarting computer, reinstalling, none of those worked for me…