Can’t figure this out. Hopefully I’m just missing something
Need to be able to do something like press A+B at the same time to get a specific result.
I.E. button A punches, button B kicks, but pushing button A and button B at the same time does a jump kick or some other special move like in classic games like Double Dragon or Streets of Rage.
There doesn’t seem to be any way to handle simultaneous button presses with the new input system.
Any help would be appreciated
Why do you think that is? What have you tried?
Note that “simultaneous” in this context doesn’t mean “precisely in the same frame”. You will need to implement this in a way that you can check “is currently pressed” rather than “pressed this frame” as well as introducing a timer that starts the moment a button is first pressed, and allows for the other combo button(s) to be pressed within a certain time period, say 200 ms, within which the other button(s) also need to be pressed to register as a combo. If that time period passes without other combo buttons being pressed, the regular single-button action is performed instead. This of course introduces a delay to all actions, and to avoid that you need to also ensure that an action is not just performed after the time has passed but als the moment the button is released, so that fast taps of a button register the action more quickly.
Needless to say, all of this can be implemented using the Input System.
Thanks for the reply.
Yeah, I just didnt know how to set up a delay, the result I get is that it always only performs one or the other. it’s hard to find specific tutorials for pretty much everything I want to do. I’m also wondering how to set up diagonals for the right stick for hard 45 degree aiming. its a 3d game but a lot of the mechanics would be from more classic 2d sidescroller/“beat em up” style games. Hopefully I will figure it out eventually.