Unity does Sin Cos etc in radians, how can I get a degree result for something like
Unity does Sin Cos etc in radians, how can I get a degree result for something like
I’m not exactly sure what you are doing, but there exists conversions for radians (from/to):
So I’ve been trying that. this is what I had to get the degree answer for sin 180 (which should be 0)
movement = Mathf.Sin(180 * Mathf.Rad2Deg);
//and I also tried this
movement = Mathf.Sin(180) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
I don’t really know what to do… guess I’ll keep working on it
Ok figured this out! thanks for the reply, apparently I’m stupid or something idk
Well if you figured it out, why not share the solution here…
oh ok
movement = Mathf.Sin(direction * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
I realized that my direction was in degrees (along with the rigidbody 2d “rotation”) so I needed to convert the degrees into radians, where before I was trying to convert my 180 “radians” into degrees, which they already were.
if that makes any sense