Hi All,
I just wonder what is the difference between regular c# class that has only static method and members to be used as kind of singleton manger and “true” singleton class.
Say I have the following singleton:
public class MySingelton : MonoBehaviour {
private static MySingelton instance;
public static MySingelton Instance
if (instance == null)
GameObject go = new GameObject("MySingelton");
instance = go.AddComponent<MySingelton>();
return instance;
void Awake()
if (instance == null){
instance = this;
and say I have class that has only static methods and members:
public class Manager
only static method and members
what is the differences between the 2 approaches? what are the pros and cons of each other? besides the fact that one class is instantiate on game object and the other on is not I don’t see any difference. Am I wrong? I try to figure it out for the last couple of hours…
Thank u in advance