Single or multiple script?

Would it be better to have a 500 line or so script? or would it be faster to have a couple diffferent scripts for the different stuff?

Script speed is based on algorithm speed, computer scientist do algorithm analysis using something called Big (o) notation :

most likely the complexity of the script will determine the script size and if you have a complicated behavior and need 500 lines then use 500 lines. You most likely will not want to make one script for every gameobject. Categorizing scripts and naming them by what they do helps me keep the scripts simple and separate.

I mainly meant for my character, I have a pretty long and complex script and I was wondering if it would be better to seperate the movement and attack sections into different scripts to make them both run faster.

How fast code runs is not a function of script size.


Oh ok, thats what I was looking for. Thanks.