Hi, I have been searching on youtube on how to make SingleTrackAnimations work, I bought some packs from arteria3d and the files come as fbx with SingleTrackAnimations with time frame codes.
Walk 1-88
Run 89-106
Idle 107-292
Graze 293-382
Scared 383-443
I have no idea what I need to do, if anyone can provide me with help or any where I can buy tutorials. many thanks
edit: when i place FBX This is what I get in the inspector tab , Transform, Animator ( missing RuntimeAnimatorController) but has Avatar
This was hard as I found no help or info, But I kinda found an answer to my own question. The FBX Models eg Tiger comes with model and animations hidden in the prefab. So I created a Animator Controller. And I made a Transition from walk to run and run to walk, click play and now animations work. That’s as far as I can get, the animal has more animations like graze, gethit, die, I need to connect them somehow on animation controller then write a script for those actions. For now as the Tiger is walking I just added a wonder script on it and it looks fine walking around but that’s all it does for now.