Situational GUI / GUI on mouse over?

I am trying to create a game and I want it so that whenever the cursor mouses over certain objects, it brings up a small GUI with information on the object. I have seen others use it. I want to know how to do this, and a basic script if you can please. Please help this is crucial to my game development.

EDIT: I am just trying to get something simple to copy/past and then modify it to my liking once it works.

EDIT: Also any script you provide, do I place it on my targeted object?

Here’s a quick example of one way to do this. Create a C# script and name it HoveringText. Then paste this code. Attach script to gameObject.

public class HoveringText : MonoBehaviour
	void OnGUI()
		Vector2 screenPoint = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(gameObject.transform.position);
	    Rect pos = new Rect(screenPoint.x, Screen.height - screenPoint.y, 256, 512);
	    GUI.Label(pos, "Hovering text here.");	

so i replace the “worldObject” with the gameobject that i want to target?

This is not what i need, I need a pop up GUI, not a text appearing on the screen.
A pop up which can be closed with a button or key press, and the GUI interface should only open up on clicking certain objects.

I would suggest using OnMouseDown () to turn a boolean value on, which when on would display a GUI, containing a button to turn the boolean value off again.
You need a collider on the object for OnMouseDown to work, and it won’t work on mobile (touchscreen) platforms. But that’s a start.
Also, if you want not be able to open more than one at a time, you’ll need a singleton (not the drink :slight_smile: or a manager of some sort to manage all instances of that script.

Hope this helps.

public class Popup : MonoBehaviour
    private bool _isOn;

    OnMouseDown ()
    _isOn = true;

    OnGUI ()
        if GUI.Button ( new Rect ( 10, 10, 50, 20), "close" )
            // your popup content here
            _isOn = false;