I have iPhone basic and I understand that the app binary will be a bit larger than the pro version. But…mines pretty big. I’ve looked through everything in the assets and I’m coming up with about 10MB or less … yet the binary is weighing in at 30 MB. What could be causing this and what could I do to reduce the end user binary?
Did you look at the console log to see what it’s putting in there?
In XCode? Where should I look? I don’t see anything in the console log.
The editor console when building the app
30mb sounds like the regular 18-20mb from unity basic + your assets.
Especially sounds and uncompressed textures will weight heavy.
Ok, I found the problem. It was a texture file that I overlooked. Wow…Unity basic weighs in at 18-20 all by itself? What about the pro version?
Depending on what you use, the byte stripping in iPhone Advanced can get you below 10mb for the barebone application.
The size is related to the large amount of features the Unity engine offers as well as the fact that .NET is beeing used for scripting (which gives you a lot of flexibility on that end. For size reasons this is restricted to .NET 1.1).
So the more of that is beeing used, the smaller the direct impact of the stripping is potentially as only unused things can be stripped
is there any info on what unity features weight in heavy at build time ?
I dont owe the pro version so I
d love to hear what`s components are worth to avoid in favor to a smaller build size.
Is it possible to build a Unity iPhone app without .NET in it? (EG: if all your scripts are javascript, do you still need to include .NET?) I’m a unity newbie so if this question seems clueless that’s why.
I suspect getting the flexibility to produce smaller binaries is high on Unity’s To-Do list, but that its non-trivial given that the other supported platforms don’t have as much of a need for it.
Only if your scripts were completely empty. .NET has nothing to do with Javascript/C#; it’s basically what Unity runs on no matter what language you use. With Unity iPhone Advanced, you can strip out parts that you aren’t using, but even with minimal scripts, you’re still left with a fair chunk.