Hi, guys. I’m making my fist android/iOS game. I have a new problem I would like to made my game not weight to much, but my sound tracks(not effects) size is to much - approx. 4mb each. My game size is about 25mb without them, but I would like to made in each level different background soundtrack. And if I will made approximately 12 levels there will be 12x4mb = 48mb only sountracks. My question is, how can I reduce the size of soundtracks? Please, give me some advice!
Thanks for attention
Those are accurate file sizes for sufficient quality of music. You can compress the files more, and get the file sizes lower - but at the sacrifice of noticeable quality.
I thought about it, but I decide to ask , because I’m only learning Unity and maybe I don’t know some secrets
There is no any other way?
Here are a few options that affect the file size smaller that come to mind…
A track of 1 minute is smaller than a 4 minute track.
Write your own music tracker, something like mod files comes to my mind.
Heavier compression often can be used to reduce file size, but often also reduces quality.
Using mono rather than stereo often reduces file size as well.
Each of these options is a compromise really. Reducing the length of your music is the only option that does not reduce the quality of your existing music tracks though. However, an one minute track might get old faster that a four minute track.
why would you do that when you can use builtin support for modules ?
- it’s not often 100% precise, or even correct with its rendering, but it can surely play some; problem is rather content
there are also MIDI files / which sound often ugly with default sound banks, but oh well /
It seems Unity does actually support tracker files: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/TrackerModules.html
I always thought they’re just converted to a regular PCM format internally.
since version 3.0 https://blogs.unity3d.com/2010/06/29/mod-in-unity/
the easiest way is to download a compressor: WAV Compressor – How to Compress WAV Files I have been using it for a long time, you can try too, good luck
It should make no difference in file size, if the audio file is added to the project. Actually, using compressed audio files as source assets in Unity should degrade quality.
It is recommended to use uncompressed audio files as source assets in Unity. Unity converts any audio file to its own representation anyway, depending on the import settings. Pre-compressing an audio file (outside of Unity) will also cause the editor to process/compress it (again), which might lead to even more compression artifacts.
import the sound files to cubase.export them as mp3 64k .