um, you using wheel colliders for the wheels bro??
I dont agree with downloading packages… they never what you really want to achieve and hell someone else made it…
I like to know how to make everything…
Make 4 wheel colliders that are inside an empty object , thats parented to skateboard object, thats parented to an empty “player” object … put the player animation object parented to the empty player object…
this way everything inside the empty player object can be animated in one single animation,
make sure you create animation attached to the “empty player object”, then all children can be animated inside one animation…
Also if ya using a follow cam type script, maybe put the “empty player” object at players head height, and set the script to follow that… then ya can get better follow angles aiiii
if you wanted too, and i sometimes do this (bit of a cheat) make a player object for each required animation and just use a code like "gameobject.SetActive(true) or (false) for each trick you want the player to do…
then have an “idle” character / gameobject to start game with,
when Input is detected, disable “idle” character , enable “moving” character/ gameObject… you could use Mathf.Abs(rigidbody.velocity.magnitude) to speed up player skating animation depending on rigidbody speed.
then when ya want to do a trick ya can "gameobject.setactive(false) to all. Then set the trick player object to true,
like i said a bit of a cheat way but it works and uses way less complex coding…
Apologies if my way of explaining is odd but not good at that hahahaha
ask me if ya not sure what I mean…
Also if ya want some tricks that are activated with multiple button inputs???
you could use a “timer loop” like an INT that counts down, waiting for next expected button.
you could make boolean game states, ie If Player is in air - boolean - inAir = true;
then if a button is pressed it could have a different function.
if(playerinAir == true && playerSpinning == true && Input.GetButton(“Fire1”) == true)
or both together?? not sure how its done proffesionallllly?? never looked into it just my own hack method =)
put the RIGIDBODY on the “empty player” object.
Use MotorTorque on all 4 wheels at same time, to simulate a Skate Push.
Rotating the “empty player” object should rotate all objects inside.
You could make joints in unity that attach the front and back wheel colliders to the skateboard
so the board could tilt from side to side?
Consider having skateboard ANIMATION objects for each trick… and use SetActive “hack”??? or probly some other simple way to do it…
ok um all mi ideas at mo… please I might be so wrong … but maybe help someone i hope, please feel free to quiz me, i would also help with coding these ideas… they are of top of mi ed soooo … peace