Hi, there!
Skele is the editor extension to help developers to make skeleton & vertex animation and cutscene right inside UnityEditor;
[ Online Manual ]
[ Compatibility ]
Skele: Character Animation Tools speeds up animator/indie’s animation workflow:
- Enable developers to make / modify character animations in UnityEditor, reduce software switching and tedious import/export/split work;
- Runtime & EditTime IK + Constraints;
- Export mesh & animations for external 3D-softwares.
- Edit vertices of the mesh and make blendshape-like animation in UnityEditor
- Convert animations between Legacy/Generic/Humanoid rig types.
- Blender-style constraints system which can work at edit-time & runtime;
- Utilize the clips you bought from store, modify them to your needs, convert clip type, export to external software, etc.
- Spline Editor to design path in 3D space;
- [BETA] Integrate Timeline Editor. Greatly accelerate authoring productivity for complex multi-character scenes (cutscenes / finishing moves / etc);
Main Feature list:
- Make animation for your rigged characters with FK/IK support – not just biped, you could manipulate any rigged models.
- Modify animations from prefabs. Take out the animations from fbx/dae archives or convert from muscle clips, modify and get the result immediately.
- Create complex multi-character actions. Edit the animations right inplace, and easily integrate with code/fx/audio/gui/etc.
- Visualize the bone link, the vertices, and bone weights, etc.
- Make/Save/Load pose on disk
- Convert MuscleClip to Legacy/Generic Clip
- Convert Root Bone curves into RootMotion for Animator component
- Export skinned / non-skinned mesh and animation for external 3D softwares
- Edit multi-part meshes
- Modify Animation curve’s property, path, type.
- Fix Pivot of non-skinned meshes
- Reduce keyframes of animation clips
- Work with Unity Pro & Free, (some demo scene’s unity-pro effect will not work on unity free)
- Make Blendshape-like animations in UnityEditor
- [BETA] Blender-style constraint system
- Automatically add constraints for biped model
See Also:
Current Ver: 1.9.6 p7 (2016/10/02)
Humanoid rig model needs special treatment, please read the two FAQ posts:
(1) How to edit Humanoid clips?
(2) Best workflow to work with Humanoid models?
Unity Scene Camera Tips:
Although most of you might have already been familiar with this, I just put it here in case.
In Unity you could control the SceneView camera like in Blender.
- rotate the view: Alt-LMB drag.
- rotate the view around the selected object: click F to focus on selected object, use Alt-LMB to rotate around it.
- pan the view: MMB or Alt-Ctrl-LMB
- zoom the view: mouse wheel or Alt-RMB
- rotate the view around a bone: with Skele enabled, select a bone, then click ‘C’, use Alt-LMB to rotate around it.
- switch to another model: Alt+LMB
- Mail : TMPxyz at gmail dot com
- Twitter: @TMPxyz
Please post bug reports feature requests in this thread or in our UserEcho IssueTracker;
More details on Online Manual
1.0 Quick View of Basic Control
1.1 FK/IK and Quick overview of Basic Controls
1.2 Animation Authoring Basic Tutorials
1.2.2 Tutorial 101
1.3 Mesh-Morpher and Shape Animation
1.4 [BETA] Timeline Editor
A Simple Animation
6.1 Walk with Constraints + helper Objects
6.2 Spline editor + Follow path
6.3 Maintain Volume
6.4 Make Spline
7.1 A QTE cutscene
7.3 3rd-person Action Play Demo
New Video/Demo
- Animate character and prop together
1.1 Examples of Clips Conversion
1.2 Compress the animation clips
2. Multi-Bone Select/Edit
3. Merge animation clips and AnimationCurveProp Editor
5. FPS Hand animation example
Check this post for further explanation
More in our Online Manual