Sketch - Draw on top of the scene view! [RELEASE]

Hello Unity users,

Unity is about creativeness. Unity users come up with great ideas and push them through implementation to see amazing results. Sometimes ideas may come faster than you can keep track. Some people throw these off into text files to think about on a later date, or some people might just write them down. Creative Unity users need a tool to help them deal with these ideas in an efficient manner, and for this reason I have developed Sketch.

Sketch is about your ideas. Sketch lets you to draw directly on to the Unity scene view, allowing you to overlay your thoughts and ideas right in the scene. You can draw out your different ideas using Sketch, and as you implement each idea in your project, you can delete those Sketches and move onto new ideas. Sketch lets you draw in a variety of colors and vantage points. When you want to see a Sketch, you can find it using the search and tagging functionality, then move the camera to where you drew the Sketch. Sketches are saved in a text file that can be merged and shared with your team.

I’ve created a full tutorial guide below, but I’ll quickly go over the features here. After you have imported the asset package into Unity, find the SketchObject prefab in the Sketch folder and drag it into the scene. The Sketch editor can be found by selecting the SketchObject and looking in the inspector. To create your first Sketch, move the camera to where you want to draw from and click “New Sketch”. You can search through your Sketches by typing a search term into the text field below the “New Sketch” button. You can now select your Sketch in the list and click “Edit” to begin drawing. A color picker comes up to choose what color you wish to draw in. When you are finished, click “Stop editing.” To go back to your Sketch later, you can press “Camera to sketch” to bring your camera back for viewing, or just click “Edit” if you plan to edit the Sketch. You can move the view of a Sketch by clicking the “Move view here” button, but at the moment you will lose your work. You can edit the description of your Sketch right below the “Move view here” button, and below that you can add and remove tags. To save your work, make sure your Unity scene is saved and click “Save Sketches.” You can load your saved sketches later by clicking “Load Saved Sketches.”

I have created a full step-by-step tutorial with images to using Sketch that covers all of the features you need to use it. It will be in your project folder when you download Sketch.

Sketch has undergone a short beta, but I feel ready to release it after much work since I first released the beta. Sketch is currently going through the Asset Store submission process. I will update this post with more information as I continue to work on it. A video is coming soon.

I hope you enjoy Sketch!

Fantastic! The HERO Engine has a tool like this and it makes collaboration much easier. Especially, for remote teams working on the same project. Do you have any pricing info while we are waiting on it to release into the Asset Store?

Yep, I posted Sketch at $30.