SkiJumping on AppStore


finally, after two weeks of waiting for apple to get it in (didn’t they get, that we are in the 21st century?), my first ever iPhone game is available.

Its a skijumping game with online highscores made with unity.

i would be really happy if someone with an iphone could tell me something about the performance. i only have a ipod touch and i read in the forum, that the iphone is slower.

here is the link to the SkiJumping AppStore page

Does that say WINO? :smile:

Congratulations! More inspiration for me to go make a game…

I have what is supposed to be the slowest which is the first gen iPod touch, at least according to this…

Seems to play at an estimated 10 - 15 fps… seems reasonably playable, but It would be nice a bit smoother. how many drawcalls is it?

I’m also having trouble playing the game, i’ve read the instructions and think i’m doin everything i should, but i only ever fail my jumps, any tips?

Also I’d say the Snow is a bit dark, but congrats on your first iphone game, good luck.

thanx for the feedback


it has 25-30 drawcalls, unless at the very beginning of the jump, where you see more or less the whole scene, there its more than 80

i already though if it would be a good idea to make a movie from a good jump. if you have seen it it is pretty easy, some people that i let try had even trouble while me sitting next to them and shouting instructions at them :wink:

well, i am not sure where exactly you have the problems with controlls. the most important part is, to keep everything centered, the blue ball at the start, and your body in air. just not having it move but beeing slightly off center is not enough. you should try countersteer the wind before you start already.

maybe confusing could be the fact, that for the jump you have to remove your finger, instead of tapping the screen.

the blue ball should be on top of that yellow/green arrows on the left, you have to find the exact spot.

for landing just tap as late as possible, but moving the feet into landing position takes a short while.

hope this helps

only if it says SPEEO :wink: