Skin a cube?


Complete Unity newbie here! Quick question…

I have a cube that I need to skin each individual face for. I tried making a material that had all 6 faces on it, but when I apply it, it just applies my material to each face instead of covering the whole object? How do I wrap it around?

Or should I be applying a different material to each face? If so, how would I do that.

Sorry if this is a stupid question!

Thanks a lot for your help!


This shouldn’t be in the Unity GUI section but here goes anyway:

You need to UV map your cube in an external program such as Blender, Maya, 3ds Max, Cheetah 3d, Modo, Silo, etc… Basically think of the UVs as how it would look if you unfolded a cardboard box. Each side or face of the box would be a rectangle laid down on the ground, in a T shape, 4 faces wide with the top and bottom faces jutting off of this to form a T shape. You would then create a material in a program such as GIMP or Photoshop with each of your 6 pictures or textures laid out in exactly the same way as your UVs are laid out in your 3d modeling program.

This is an extremely simple procedure for someone familiar with 3d modeling and texturing but is a bit intricate for someone who needs to learn these programs from scratch just to make a textured cube. A decent tutorial on UV mapping should show you the way, depending on which 3d application you decide to use.


Oops! Sorry!

Ok, great. I’m using Cheetah. Does Unity then know that I’ve UV mapped it in Cheetah and automatically wrap the texture around the cube? Or do I have to tell it somehow?

Thanks again, really appreciate it.

Yeah, when you export FBX from Cheetah, it takes the UVs along with it. If when you apply the single texture in cheetah to the cube and it is looks correct (correctly UV mapped), then it should do the same in Unity.

Fantastic! Got it working! Thank you so so much for your help!

Thanks for helping out the OP, now I’ll do my part and move the thread in 3… 2… 1…

I have the EXACT same problem! But is there a solution that DOES NOT involve downloading any new programs?