I am trying to animate a skinned mesh. What I see is my mesh in the T Pose (this is incorrect), with a slight animation - my guess is that the root joint is being animated, but nothing else.
When I place a Sphere Collider on each bone, I can see the bones animating as I expect them to. However, my mesh continues to stay in the T Pose (with some minor animation about the y-axis, as previously mentioned).
I went through the bind pose example (Unity - Scripting API: Mesh.bindposes), and I am providing everything they have:
- A mesh
- Bones
- Bind Poses
- Bone Weights
And, I can verify that my skinned mesh renderer’s Root Bone points to the correct Transform.
However, all I see are the bones animating as expected (visualized using Sphere Colliders), and the mesh staying in the T Pose (with minor animation about the y-axis).
Any ideas?