Skinned Mesh Renderer: Help with Bones?


I am trying to animate a skinned mesh. What I see is my mesh in the T Pose (this is incorrect), with a slight animation - my guess is that the root joint is being animated, but nothing else.

When I place a Sphere Collider on each bone, I can see the bones animating as I expect them to. However, my mesh continues to stay in the T Pose (with some minor animation about the y-axis, as previously mentioned).

I went through the bind pose example (Unity - Scripting API: Mesh.bindposes), and I am providing everything they have:

  1. A mesh
  2. Bones
  3. Bind Poses
  4. Bone Weights

And, I can verify that my skinned mesh renderer’s Root Bone points to the correct Transform.

However, all I see are the bones animating as expected (visualized using Sphere Colliders), and the mesh staying in the T Pose (with minor animation about the y-axis).

Any ideas?



It is a little unclear which workflow you are following, if you are animating a character or generic rigged mesh with Mecanim you need to follow the steps outlined to apply animations to the avatar if (re-targeting) or to your skeleton with your imported animations.

Saying that if you are referring to the scripting API I guess you might be doing this via code, so you might want to provide a bit more information possibly on how you are animating, and possibly use the animation forum so that you can get more input from animation scripters to help your workflow function with Unity’s animation system.

Thanks, I’ll head to the animation forum and go from there.

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