Skinned mesh renderer is buggy af - what is the workflow?

I’ve created an animated model in blender and imported it to unity but I’ve noticed a lot of threads talking about the root bone bug and sure enough if you try to set the root bone the mesh turns invisible.

So basically we cannot edit the gameobject heirarchy after importing? If we need to switch out a mesh or add a child object such as a weapon we have to make sure we have all the required gameobjects setup beforehand?

I was wanting to create prefabs of each part of a character so I can hide/show them.

Another thing I noticed is when I try to change the root bone in the scene heirarchy I get random error messages and memory leaks.

And these happen even after I delete the imported FBX. :smile: :grin: :joy: :smirk: :face_with_peeking_eye:

EDIT: Error messages went away from restarting unity. But does anyone know how to fix the root bone problem? I want to be able to spawn in modular skinned mesh renderer objects such as clothing, weapons, etc.

Ugh… so fucking frustrated with this horseshit. I don’t understand… no matter what I do something always gets fucked up when trying to import to unity.

I’ve been at this for days. If someone has managed to create a workflow exporting blender rigs/animations to unity then please share a tutorial or something.

Use generic rig instead of humanoid, Generic vs Humanoid bizarre frame interpolation - #8 by giantkilleroverunity3d.