Skipping Support

Hello all! We are currently using a timeline tool called Flux (that is now abandoned I believe) and are evaluating switching over to Unity 2017 and Timeline/Cinemachine for our in-game cutscene and cinematic purposes.

One important thing we need to be able to support for our cinematics is skipping. In Flux we can “tag” clips on its timeline to force it to “play” those things instantly if a skip happens. Here are two examples:

A. At the end of one of our cinematics we have a custom clip event that tells Unity to load up a level. We ensure that even if the cutscene is skipped, we fire off that timeline logic so the load always happens.

B. During a cutscene we need to trigger certain states for GameObjects (like have a Lift go up in the air or turn on hidden GameObjects in the level) that we need to be sure always happens even if the player skips over the cinematic.

So our questions are:

  1. Does the Timeline currently support skipping in any “official” way? Is there a callback or something clips can hook into/listen for when PlayableDirector.Stop() is called?

  2. If not, any recomendations on how we should add skipping in? Also, is it a planned feature that might be coming soon?

A suggestion for such a system might be to support something like PlayableDirector.Skip() and then have the system be able to tell the clips on the timeline that a skip has occurred and then each type of clip could handle skipping however it wished if something like a “Trigger on Skip” for the clip was turned on.

Thank you!

Right now, there is no callback/event sent when the PlayableDirector stops. We are currently implementing this right now. You can follow the discussion here: How to know when a timeline is complete ?

Awesome, thank you for the info!