Just a teaser for our new game, Sky Sky Panic. A much polished and refined version of Sky Sky Panic 3D (found in my signature).
sounds like a Halo Odst teaser such as “keep it clean”
Heh, I was playing on the title, Sky Sky Panic actually. But yeah, it has a ring to it.
The picture shows the new design I came up with for the Cursor Ship, and the five colors it can become (arranged in rainbow-betic order in fact).
I’ve been diligently working to bring you all a Sky Sky Panic so scenic that you’ll cringe when you look at the old one. Here’s where I’m at as of now (HUD is, of course, just for debug at this point). I’d like to get that water looking nicer, but for now I think it’s a nice start, right? The grass texture is a green gradient overlayed on a desaturated picture of a crumpled brown paper bag, for those curious.