Skybox does not show up in Scene mode...

I am adding in a Skybox to a 3D level and I have it connected to my Camera child under the FPSControl parent. In Inspector, the Custom Skybox is checked and it appears when I run it in Game mode. I am trying to add a lens flare to the directional light source and I have but for some reason under scene mode, it won’t show the skybox.

I know the answer is right under my nose…

Thanks in advance!

In the scene view under “Effects” Skybox can be turned on and off, so it will be visible in scene view or not.

Yes, that is because it is a component of your camera and is only rendered while your camera is active in game. Within your scene, you are using your scene camera. That is normal behaviour.

If you’d like to see your skybox both in-game and in-scene, go to Edit > Render Settings > Skybox Material and choose your skybox material. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hope that helps, Klep

I figured it out
it was a bug
all i did was changing the layout to default and it suddenly worked

thanks for helping .

See the image:

When pressing the icon you can toggle.

The solution for this has changed in Unity 5. (“Edit” > “Render Settings” is no longer an option.)

To set a custom skybox that overrides the default and shows in the Scene View (and on all of your cameras with Clear Flags set to skybox), you go to “Window” menu > “Lighting” and then in the inspector under “Environment Lighting” set “Skybox” to a custom skybox material you’ve created.


I am running Unity 2019.4.5. The situation for me is that I accidentally pressed this toggle button under Scene tab.

The skybox can be displayed normally by simply turn this button on.