Skybox lerp error

I’m trying to make a day night cycle for a 3d game. I made the sun moving, but now I want a smooth transition between day skybox and night.
Day skybox has cubemap and the night skybox is 6 sided

I tried this:

if(hour > 12){//midnight
RenderSettings.skybox.Lerp(RenderSettings.skybox, night, 0.5f / Time.deltaTime);
RenderSettings.skybox.Lerp(RenderSettings.skybox, day, 0.5f / Time.deltaTime);

After 12, the sky is totally back(I mean it lerps only the color, not the skybox textures):




Material.Lerp will by design only blend float and vector properties not textures (see description in docs). You can however write your own shader that blends between skybox textures. Here is an old example. So you will have a single material with two skybox textures on it to blend between not two separate materials.

Ok, thank you. I can find a shader for this or I need to create one because I don’t know anything about shaders!

The link I posted previously ( seems to give a good starting point. But it is likely you will have to somewhat modify it for your specific use case.