I’ve seen some discussion regarding fading from one skybox to another, and some refereances to cross fade transitions, but I can’t really find something that tells me how to set that up…and I’m not sure that’s what I really need (although, I will in the future, so pointing me in the right direction now would be appreciated).
I’m working on a duststorm, so I’m ramping up fog settings in conjunction with some particle and lighting effects. I’ve got that mostly done. Where I am stuck is, when I ramp up the fog, the skybox is not affected. At max fog, you can see the sky clearly. So, I figured I just need to transition from a regular skybox to a dusty hazy skybox. That’s where the skybox transition would be helpful.
So, can someone please point me to a link that explains how to do such transitions?
create 2 skyboxes one with alpha 100% and the other with alpha 0%, and when you want to make the transition, just decrease one alpha and increase the other alpha.
I will try that, either I tell you I dont know if it will work but its a good start
Can you please not answer questions unless you actually know what you’re talking about? You’re adding a lot of noise to the forums lately and very little signal. Thanks.
In any case, use this shader to fade between two skyboxes.
What he was suggesting works in directx game engines, for instance, 3Impact comes to mind, I can create arrays to hold skyboxes and transition with fading, but that won’t work in Unity, it is not a matter of knowing what you are talking about but rather knowing how Unity works and what you need to do to get the results you want.