Hi, I have a basic starfield (large file 4096 x 4096) and have created a skybox. As the starfield is fairly complex and even I used the same image for each of the six sides. The problem I am seeing is that in the corners of the skybox, the stars are darker than expected, almost like there is some sort of ambient occlusion going on. The images dont darken at the edges, so thats not it.
In the image the camera is looking at what I think must be the edge or corner of the skybox and you can clearly see the dark vertical strip,a nd it widens at the top as it approaches the skybox corner…
anyone know what may be causing it?
Do you have the wrap mode on your sky box textures set to “clamp” instead of the default “repeat”?
Thanks for the reply Don, I did read about that in one of the iphone posts, but to be honest, I have no idea how to check or set it!
a bit of handholding would be appreciated 
Yes definitely check your clamp settings.
I find the skybox arrangement doesn’t work all that well for space games; my star fields always appear blurry compared to the original images, mostly because its clarity is critically linked to the camera’s FOV.
I wish a new / better mechanism that could be developed to improve the appearances in these cases.
Dunno, perhaps a choice between a sky box or sphere. I don’t think that would help decouple from the camera’s FOV though.
I can get my star field to look just like the original if I set the FOV to 70 or 80 but then my 3D meshes look funny in the scene.
What I found fortunately, is to create a separate camera “StarfieldCamera”, attach a skybox material to that and to set its rendering position to -1. (The main camera then gets 0, and if I remember correctly its clear mode gets set to depth only.)
I can then change the SF’s FOV to whatever looks best for the star field, and leave the main camera’s FOV alone.
Finally parent the SF camera to the main camera and everything works out pretty well.
Hopefully there isn’t too much of a performance hit, if any, compared to having it look decent using a single camera alone…
OK so I set the wrap mode on the texture from repeat to clamp, and then reapplied the texture to the six skybox slots, but still the same problem 
Sorry that didn’t help.
In the future, you don’t have to remove the images from the sky box material, just highlight each one in the Project Panel and change the wrap settings, that will update the images in the sky box.
This is made using the built-in skybox feature from the Edit → Render Settings right? Not a custom 3D cube.
It also seems to me that your FOV settings are a bit high, try lowering it to somethin like 60-50 and see if that helps.