Hi there,
I’m currently making a raytraced renderer using recursive Raycasts and up till now, I have just been using the color black for a trace, that doesn’t collide with anything.
So I was wondering how you reproduce unity’s display of skyboxes, by just having a Vector3 direction and the skybox material.
Thank you,
If any more information is needed, just ask 
This is not tested, but I’d do it like this:
First you need to figure out which of your 6 skybox textures to sample. This is determined by the dominant axis of your direction:
// x is dominant axis.
// -X is dominant axis -> left face
// +X is dominant axis -> right face
// z is dominant axis.
... // similar
}else if(Mathf.Abs(dir.y)>Mathf.Abs(dir.z)){
// y is dominant axis.
... // similar
// z is dominant axis.
... // similar
If it’s a cubemap, then you supply your dominant axis to the GetPixel() call. Otherwise, get your textures from the shader (mat.GetTexture(“_FrontTex”) etc.)
Once you have the face, you need to figure out which WC axes correspond to which texture axes. For example, if -X is your dominant direction, you “look” along -X, so +Y points up and +Z points right. Therefore +Z corresponds to texture.u, and -Y corresponds to texture.v (texture origin is always upper left).
Then you need to compute the orthogonal normalized texture coordinates. Start with a normalized [-1…1] space:
texture.u=dir.z/(-dir.x); // for the -X example
texture.v=-dir.y/(-dir.x); // for the -X example
You will now need to transform this to [0…1] space:
And finally to [0…texture.width|height] space:
These are your pixel coordinates, which you can feed to GetPixel().
Additional notes:
- for Texture2D you can use GetPixelBilinear() to find interpolated pixel colors, AFAIK you can only point-sample Cubemaps at integer coordinates.
- you will need to take care of correct orientation for the up/down textures, the axes might be rotated by 180 degrees or something.