Skydome jumps and text errors.

I recently created a script that rotates a skydome and enlarges/shrinks a font on the main menu. The problem is that the skydome starts rotating quickly at 0.001 seconds to 150 degrees on the y axis, then slows to a stop.
The font throws me an error. “MissingReferenceException: The variable GUITEXT of ‘Main_Menu_Behavior’ doesn’t exist anymore.
You probably need to reassign the GUITEXT variable of the ‘Main_Menu_Behavior’ script in the inspector.
Main_Menu_Behavior.TextChange () (at Assets/Main_Menu_Behavior.js:9)
Main_Menu_Behavior.Update () (at Assets/Main_Menu_Behavior.js:37)”

What am I doing wrong here?

var GUITEXT : GUIText; //Assigns the text to modify.
var movement : Transform; //Maybe I'll do something with this later.
var Cam1 : Camera; //The Main Camera.
var Cam2 : Camera; //The Secondary Camera, used for rotating the domey sky.

function TextChange()
	fontsize = GUITEXT.fontSize;
	textib = GUITEXT.guiText.text;
	clrup = 0;
	cout = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad;
	if (GUITEXT.fontSize == 45)
		GUITEXT.fontSize++; //Enlarge the text.
	if(GUITEXT.fontSize == 55)
		GUITEXT.fontSize--; //Shrink the text.

function Rotate()
	var rot = 0;
	startcount = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad;
	if (startcount != -1)
		Cam2.transform.rotation.y = rot+1.0;//Rotate the camera.

function Update () {

The effects can be seen here:

try this and put what ever number of the speed of the rotation where it says rotation in the component

// 8.7.2010
// DCLarson
// Simple Object Rotation JavaScript

public var rotate = 1.0;

function Update () 
	// Slowly rotate the object around its Y axis
	transform.Rotate (0, rotate * Time.deltaTime, 0);

just make a new java script and past it in there

// 8.7.2010
// DCLarson
// Simple Object Rotation JavaScript

public var rotate = 1.0;

function Update ()
// Slowly rotate the object around its Y axis
transform.Rotate (0, rotate * Time.deltaTime, 0);
