Sleek Render - Lightning Fast Mobile Post Processing Effects

Hello! I’ve bought the Sleek Render asset and am really enjoying its great performance! However, I’m looking to squeeze a little more juice out so that my game can run at 60 fps on low-end devices (it was barely hitting 60 before adding Sleek, which costs 10-15 fps on my Fire HD 8). I want to render the main scene at a lower resolution in order to keep the fps as high as possible. I got it working, but I want to make sure this is the recommended route. I basically just took this link from the first page and copied its method into Sleek Render. However, Sleek Render is doing a lot of its own thing, so I don’t know if this is advisable:


        private RenderTexture tempRT;

        private void OnPreRender() {
            // Exaggerated to make sure it's working. TODO: Make this dynamic based on framerate :)
            tempRT = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(Screen.currentResolution.width / 10, Screen.currentResolution.height / 10, 16);
            Camera.main.targetTexture = tempRT;

        // This used to be OnRenderImage
        private void OnPostRender()
            // Applying post processing steps
            // Last step as separate pass. null -> back buffer
            Camera.main.targetTexture = null;
            Compose(tempRT, null);

Just want to make sure I’m on the right track, and help anyone else using this package looking to do this.

Next step is to figure out how to implement my own “displacement” effects in the stack.

Also - small point of advice: the asset store pictures should be updated. The bloom there looks awful compared to what is now implemented. I actually looked at Sleek a few months ago and passed because the effect didn’t look good. I’m sure you’re losing sales over it