Slender Castaway, New Slender[Alpha Version]

Hello World!

This time i bring a game it only has 1 week of development, is a typical Slender Game where pick notes to win.

Slender Castaway

After along storm, you are in a island with only a Zippo, front of you there a Flashlight, Revolver, Antidepressants, Dressing and Battery’s. Your mision is explore the island and pick 3 objects: Camera, Picture, Smoke Grenade you should also pick 5 notes.

Is a Alpha version, the alpha versions not is public but I decided to publish as perhaps the beta version is quite delayed.

W: Forward
S: Backwards
A: Left
D: Right
Shift: Run
Space: Jump
Q: Open/Close Backpack
E: Pick Objects
MLB: Use Objects of backpack
MRB: Throw Objects of backpack / On-Off Flashlight

All resources of audio,pictures and models 3d are provided Internet, I did the programming and design.

are only 3, the idea is that you play it.

Repeat: Is a alpha version, may contain very bugs, please inform the bugs, thanks.

Windows x86:!DVZ2wYiC!CgwwSwPTHMK4y8c1qdcjtQ-bXrV52Lmtw9oAYLsrfGc
Windows x64:!7JI0SSyL!Jz83yl-wNjPoM1Jq84Im5w2FhTtZKbEInIXhUe79Syc
Mac OS X:!GdITFTYK!fAJDBiVFeCI207Fg_-Mbez5G2mkBAvAid6ViMfcjOsI
Linux Universal:!TJhmyT7A!ABc11UqAeHGEDjs4tCT4KxTvwQkoBMNPzQWg7esga28

This is all, thanks for your visit.
((Sorry the bad english is translation of the spanish with google))

Facebook: Redirecting...
Youtube: Crisdarmon

I will be totally honest…

I quit within 20 seconds purely based on the fact that the character movement when walking was terrible. My only other gripe is with regards to how dark the game was.

I know that this is a horror game but atmosphere and sounds are everything NOT the ambient light which seems to be the easiest option for many.

I am in no way slagging you off but merely trying to help you with what to change if you want this to become a decent game.