Slender Man -- WIP

Starting a new thread for this (it’s proceeding enough that the collaboration thread is probably no longer needed).

Building a game based loosly on the Slender Man mythos. You have to go through a wooded area with some old buildings and collect all eight pages that are randomly scattered in the area. As you start collecting pages, however, the Slender Man begins stalking you and becomes more and more persistant as you collect each page.

Right now, I’m testing a really basic movement script for the enemy I made. It works really well, but it has the drawback of requiring the level to be perfectly flat (i.e., no slopes, hills, stairways, 2nd floors, etc.); everything has to be on the same height. While that’s definitely a limiting factor, I can deal with it unless someone can help me find a way to fix it.

Anyway, the current build is a test area to test the movement. There are 5 pages right in front of where the player starts; collecting all 5 should get SM up to a good difficulty (he might not spawn with 3 or fewer due to the test area being so small). There’s no win condition at this time for collecting all 8 pages.

Oh, also, don’t look at SM if you can avoid it. That’s how you lose, or if he catches you (though there’s a bug right now where you get stuck if he catches you; that will be fixed in the next build).


damn! i actually got scared my second try, looking for the last page ;_;

Just uploaded the newest version. This one shrinks the size of the flashlight so that the sides of the screen are dimmer, but it also makes it so that sanity loss is weaker towards the edges of the screen, but stronger towards the center (at least horizontally). It also fixes a few audio bugs and the one where it gets stuck if SM catches you. Also, he should disappear if the 8th page is collected.

Still to go:

  1. Page locations need to be randomized.
  2. The actual play area needs to be built.
  3. I’d really like to improve the scripting for being able to see SM, since right now you don’t “see” him if you see only his left or right edge. I have some ideas on that, though.

I’ll record a quick video of how it stands so far. I’ll also get a mac version up.

EDIT Hold on, something’s screwed up with sanity loss in this version. It’s not doing it anymore really. I’m going to remove the scripting that has it change the loss rate based on the position on the screen, it’s causing more trouble than it’s worth.

EDIT EDIT Ok, uploaded fixed version. Same link as before.

want to use my forest i made the other night? i can add some buildings and camp site.

Possibly, although it needs to be completely flat for it to work correctly. If there’s any elevation changes, the scripting won’t work.

Uploaded a new video:

It is a very cool game :open_mouth: Wondering why i am never having so great ideas :slight_smile:

Alright i can change it so its all flat.

Just completed and uploaded latest build. Assuming no more odd bugs, this could be the last one before the next big step: working on the actual map.

New to this build:

  1. Pages now appear in random locations. There are 16 possible locations on the current test map, but I could add lots more if I wanted to.
  2. SM can now be seen from his right and left sides, thanks to an extra raycast aimed at his right and left arm. It’s still by no means perfect (it’s still possible to catch the tiniest edge of him before being “visible”, especially on his front and back), but it’s rare and most likely won’t come into play at all anyway.
  3. Added a wall around the edge of the test area; just didn’t want people falling off.

NOTE: The play area is still too small for SM to spawn with the first few pages (and on page 3, I think he will only spawn if you’re on a far edge, like one of the corners). This will obviously be fixed when the actual map is made.

Original link is the same: SMTEST
Mac version: SMTEST_MAC

Alright this look good, i can add some camps and things then port it over.


:Map Size: You are the little red dot.

Can you upload a webplayer?

I can try when I get the chance. I haven’t tried to do anything with webplayer yet, still new at Unity in general.

For the buildings in the area, I wanted to have at least one or two kind of run-down, burnt out buildings. There’s a really good example of this in the Slender Man mythos in one of the Marble Hornets videos, and it’s all on a single floor as well (watch starting at about 2:30 in):

Only managed to find 4 pages in my run through. Great atmosphere in general!
Are you using a raycast to the pages to see if they can be picked up? Just noticed it was a little tricky sometimes. Perhaps just do a distance check or even a physics.overlapsphere. View frustum checking would probably be good to make sure you can pick it up.

Nice work. It was actually pretty startling the first time he popped up and the static started!

It’s tricky to pick up the pages, because it wants you to point directly at it. That’s not normally a problem, but the flashlight gives the visual impression that the center is more to the lower right than where it actually is. I can fix that by making the camera beam wider, but then it seemed like things were too lit up.

I guess design wise it would be more intuitive if you could pick it up as long as it was on screen rather than dead centre.

This script will help you determine if something is visible to the camera or not - unifycommunity Resources and Information. (I haven’t tested this, but it’s on the unify community so I’m going to assume it works haha)

Then you can just do the distance check or overlap sphere and if it’s in view and in range then it can be picked up.

That said, if you want pickups to be only dead centre of the camera then just ignore my message :smile:

Just an update, I’ve added a few extras (I will upload the new version when I get the chance):

  1. The camera view can be zoomed in and out (to about 3x zoom) by pressing E to zoom in and Q to zoom out. A faint motor sound accompanies it.
  2. There are now 12 different footstep sound effects which are chosen from randomly (the script does not allow the same one to be played twice in a row).
  3. Ambient forest sounds have been added; there is a faint wind loop that plays, and sounds of crickets and owls will randomly play in different directions from the player’s position.
  4. I have now changed it so that you can pick up a page when you’re close enough and can see the page; you no longer have to have it centered in your view.

EDIT Uploading now (PC version; I have not yet made the Mac version), it will probably take a few minutes before it’s ready for download. I found a bug after I started the upload though; you can pick up pages from the opposite side of a wall. Not sure how I’m going to fix that.

Alright, I have PC and Mac versions uploaded. I fixed a bug where the pages wouldn’t always pick up when you click; this was because I was calling the function on FixedUpdate instead of Update, so sometimes it missed the mouse button event.

Still to do:

  1. The actual play area needs to be made, of course.
  2. Make the camera zoom motor sound effect just a bit louder; it gets drowned out by the wind.
  3. I THINK the forest noises continue to play even if you lose, but I have been unable to verify this since it’s hard to time one of the longer ones playing with losing (so that it can be heard after the static if it’s still playing). If this IS the case, then I either need to find a way to stop one shot audio events, or I need to make the forest sounds go away once SM spawns (which might make it more creepy anyway).
  4. Still need to find a way to fix pages being able to be picked up from the opposite side of a wall.

I think i just had a heart attack when i was looking for pages, i ran from corner to corner and when i saw a page i ran to it and then back to the corner, and mid run slender man face appeared and i jumped in my seat ;_; good job. ;3

I have been following your Collaboration thread for a while and it is good to see the game taking shape.
I will take a look at the game when I have the time.

Okay, I fixed the page bug. I added a raycast testing to make sure there aren’t any obstacles between you and the page. It wasn’t picking up objects that were low, however, until I realized the raycast was hitting the player object. So I created a new layer for the player, masked it for the raycast, and now it works perfectly. All the SM raycasting still works normally as well.

I have also fixed the problem (which turned out to be true) where ambient sounds started after the player lost continued to play. I simply moved the player to a very far away position where the sounds couldn’t be heard anymore. I also made the camera zoom sound louder, since that one was easy to do.

All that remains is putting in the actual woods/buildings, and creating some sort of ending.

Latest build uploaded, both PC and Mac versions. (Actually, Mac version is stlil uploading, give it a few minutes.)

Djdog, are you still making the map? Since I’m out of things to do until the map is done, I wanted to make sure you were still doing it, otherwise I have time to start making a map myself.