Slender: Reborn

For all the people following this, it has changed from SlenderMan to an other ‘creature’, loosely based on the rake and a few other concepts found on the internet. Thankyou.


  • Map: Randomly generated levels, generated at a set size at the start of the game. Army barracks
  • Closed doors lead on to the next room. When opened, doors creak. Aiming for Amnesia-like door implementation, for maximum scare factor. (See enemy)
  • Abandoned army barracks, blood on walls, the occasional dead body
  • You cannot use weapons, your a photographer
  • ‘IT’ (Enemy), when walking around, opens doors. Those doors creak as well.
  • You have to photograph peices of evidence (See Storyline. On exit, your score is based on how many pieces of evidence you photographed. Evidence = blood, bodies, telltale supernatural signs
  • Two ways to lose the game, one to win. To ‘Win’, you escape the barracks via a randomly generated door. To lose, it (Enemy) either catches you, and kills you, and/or your lose all your sanity. (I am still debating this sanity thing, I’m not sure if I should add it in or not)


Here, Rake Concept Number one!
Sorry for green bluryness, it was drawn on green paper, and my scanner broke, so I had to take a pic with my mac’s cam and adjust the levels in photoshop.

This is a better image

It doesn’t have a name. You don’t know what it is. It doesn’t exist - at least, it shouldn’t exist. But it does. And thats a little problem for our little photographer friend who decided to go for a wander in some abandoned army barracks.

  • Crawls on all fours, stands hunched over, hunch-back like
  • Can open doors. When a door is opened, it creaks. Image walking down a corridor, running for the exit, and you hear a door creak… Should add some scare factor.
  • Loves to feast on meat, dead people are your friend
  • Doesn’t have a face, hollow/blank eye sockets.
  • Walks around aimlessely, eating bodies that he comes close to. But if he hears you… (Or sees you), he’ll start chasing you. You can’t be heard if your not moving, and can’t be heard very well if your moving slowly. If your sprinting, god help you.
  • Cannot see you if you are hiding behind things.
  • When it walks, it makes sounds. If you listen carefully, you should hear him coming.


  • Abandoned army barracks - adbandoned due to disappearances and grisly murders.
  • Randomly generated
  • Has dead bodies and body parts randomly scattered around.
  • One hard to reach exit
  • Windows that provide a little light, but are fogged up from the outside, so you cannot see out. They’re boarded up, so only tiny shafts of light escape.


This game should be a scary/creepy tactical game, like Amnesia. Its not just running away, you have to think to evade the monster. If you have any ideas to enhance the mood, even if its only a basic suggestion, don’t be afraid to say.

This game was going to be a Slenderman based, but I have since learnt (Through others suggestion), that it is so much better to create your own concepts. I have learnt heaps about the hivemind, and how one can be caught up in it. For those going ‘Great, another SM remake’, thank you for the derogatory (Not really that bad, couldn’t think of another word) comments. It has helped me learn, and go along my own route, and not plagiarise someone else

Sounds like a fun idea for a game, but why would yo choose the Slender myth, the current Slender game is already getting a lot of attention and there is no doubt that you will get some critizism for making a game with (almost) the same title. You could easily make the game with another titler so people don’t get confused.

Thanks blacknirvana, now that I think about it, thats a great idea. Difficult though :slight_smile:

Asking people for a few ideas for a new title would do no harm. There are quite a few people around here with a bunch of imagination that could help you with a new title. And no, i am not one of those people, haha. :wink: Just an idea.

I think the AI could be improved by doing some proper visibility tests on the slender man. If you’re backing away from him while looking at him and a tree (or group of trees) comes between you and him, have him occasionally “teleport” off to the right or left of the player. So you get a “he’s there, he’s there, he’s behind a tree but still there, SHIT, where’s he gone?” only to turn round and have him stood facing you.

Doing it every time or even 50% of the time would break it, but a one in ten or twenty chance or something would work nicely, I think.

Maybe everyone should make a slenderman game.

Ok! Updated main post :slight_smile:

Thats an amazingly good idea. I’ll see what I can do.

I have lightening, and I am trying to implement having him move when there is no lightening. (As in, he moves in between the strobe lighting), sort of the same thing, but not quite.

Some people may be thinking that making another Slenderman game is bad. Personally I welcome it. Slenderman was created on a forum so nobody has rights to it. Basically what I am trying to say is if the game has almost the same name that would actually be kind of cool. It could be a new level of meme, and that would be awesome.

I was tempted to start a joke WIP thread: “Slender-Defiance” Then 5 minute later another one “The last Air Slender”, but I didn’t want to face the wrath of the mods.

But… whatever, maybe you can do better than the other guys. Slenderman has never seemed that creepy to me. Why not try to make a game inspired by him but different, change it into something actually freaky.

Yeah, but creating a Slender-based game this early would be perceived as a likely copy of Slender, and therefore seem like you are trying to undermine Agent Parsec.

This is true. I guess if you were to make a similar game you would have to release it after the buzz from the first has died down.

I just want to say, I am not trying to copy AgentParsec at all. Everything I am making here, is my own. None of it comes from AgentParsec. His game was awesome, but I am not trying to copy it.

Slenderman vs Mothman prophecies would be bad ass! Both are similar myths and creepy as hell. Would make quite a compelling game.

Maybe just put Slenderman in the subtitle so the game will be something like "Damned Forest - “The legend of the Slenderman”

Oooooh a mothman! That would be epic :smile: or maybe a Creepy ass demonic clown that laughs everytime you see it, the further away the clown the more quiet the laugh is. Imagine turning around to see if he is there and hearing a faint demonic clown laughter off in the distance but not being able to see him O.o That would be awesome :smile:

Or maybe even the little girl herself? And if you are looking for more landmarks maybe put in like a little tea house with little plastic plates and teacups on a little table? And maybe but the bedroom in an actual room and have creepy teddy bears and all sorts of stuffed animals in there :smile:

Yeah, but Mothman is stupid. It sounds like a retarded superhero. Slender is waayyy cooler.

Why not make a chupacabra game? BTW, I think Slenderman in a game needs his own story. Not only like “It’s raping time”.

My experience at summer camp trumps any of the stupid stories going around the internet.

When I was a kid in summer camp, my group was walking through the woods. Being the nerdy out of shape type I was lagging behind. There was probably a good 20 to 30 feet between me and the rest of the group. I would sometimes lose sight of them through the brush and have to run to catch up. I got real far behind at one point and I could no longer hear my group, in fact everything became eerily silent, even the birds stopped chirping and the trees stopped blowing int he wind.

To my relief I heard the voice of my camp counselor call me. “Matt! Where are you!? Get back with us!” It came from the creek below. I guess the group went down there and that’s why they seemed to disappear. I heard him call my name again but it sounded strange. “Mauuthew urrgh…” As I got very close the voice sounded weird and not really human, instead like the sound some animal might make. I dismissed the weird sounds as them playing a trick on me. The sound was coming from the other side of an old tree stump along the edge of the creek.

It just so happened that there was the biggest fattest black snake chilling under the water as I was crossing through the creek. I got scared and ran towards where the voice was coming from. As soon as I got around the stump I saw this… thing. I don’t know how to describe it because I only saw it for a second. It’s body seemed to be made of decayed wood, it had the face of a bird or snapping turtle but it was the size of a human’s head and it had alligator like teeth and completely black eyes. The head part was partially white and dark brown with red on it, maybe blood? It was a living thing, it moved and made the sound I had been hearing.

I ran back across the creek right over the snake and bolted as fast as I could through the woods non stop until I came to a road. I followed the road back to camp. I guess I was kind of traumatized as I couldn’t stop shaking. I told them what I thought I saw but nobody believed me. Instead people started talking about old scary made up stories that had nothing to do with what I saw.

I stayed close to the rest of my group the rest of my time there. The last thing about this I remember is when I woke up in the middle of the night hearing my name called again. I don’t know if it was that thing or the other kids playing tricks on me to this day.

When I was older I inquired about that camp, apparently it had been closed down after some children went missing. A few years later I found it had been re-opened but I couldn’t get any info about the missing children. I guess they feel it would be bad for business if people found out. The name of the camp is Hickory Hills, it’s somewhere in Western Newyork.

brb making slender mothman.

In this game, a failed superhero with an owl mask attends weight watchers diet club. The reason for him gaining weight in the first place, was because of the owl mask. He’s a mothman, and the closest thing he could find online was an owl like mask. The resulting laughs he drew from the criminal fraternity caused him to binge eat for a few years in depression and self-loathing. Finally, when he got stuck between two trees trying follow people in the park, he knew something had to be done and he needed to be slender - hence weight watchers.