Slender: The chasing

Hi there: :slight_smile:

I am working on a Slender game, but with some interesting features, like weapons, and a very big map.
The terrain is mostly done, now i’m working on the weapon’s system, and then i will go with the AI.

Some development videos:

Feedback is apreciatted.

Cheers! :smile:

slenders to overdone now its getting stupid…

Looks cool! You may want to consider adding in some fog effects to reduce the far away vision a bit.
Also how does the combat work? Can you kill slender in your game?

Thanks :slight_smile:
I’m tweaking a bit the fog, and lighting, trying to achieve a very Dark enviroment.
I’m working on the music too, just adding and Eerie music changes completely the gameplay :wink:
You will have a very limited amount of ammo.
And, no, you will not be able to kill slender, but it will be possible to make him go away.
I’m thinking in adding a Multiplayer function, (Garry’s mod Stop it Slender is the only real multiplayer slender…) but this is my first real Unity project, and i’m not very experienced, and networking seems very hard, i will try when the main game is done.

Cheers :smile:

Another video posted!

Expect a Webplayer demo in some days… i’m starting with the weapon system, and the Slenderman model is ready :slight_smile:

Cheers! :smile: