Slerp ignoring time component?


Here’s my problem; Regardless of the value of “t” argument, the function produces nearly instant 90° rotations (no smoothing)?

Quaternion or Vector3 slerp have the same behavior… (Commented in code)

The lerp part perfectly interpolates smoothly to different “t” values using the same time variables…

I tried simple floats values like “0.00001f” to try to get something very slow in there as well… same behavior :confused:

Any idea?

	bool lerpOn = false;
	bool slerpOn = false;
	Vector3 lerpDest;
	Vector3 curPos;
	Transform from;
	Transform to;
	float startTime;
	float movSpeed = 0.5f;
	float rotSpeed = 0.5f;

void Update () {    
		if (lerpOn) {
			transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (curPos, lerpDest, (Time.time - startTime) / movSpeed);
			if (Vector3.Distance (Camera.main.transform.position, lerpDest) < Vector3.kEpsilon) {
				lerpOn = false;
			transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(from.rotation, to.rotation, (Time.time - startTime) / rotSpeed);
			//transform.position = Vector3.Slerp(from.position, to.position, (Time.time - startTime) / rotSpeed);
			if (Vector3.Angle (Camera.main.transform.position, to.position) < Vector3.kEpsilon ){
				slerpOn = false;

“to” & “from” seemed to both reference the transform the script was attached to.

When I changed the “to” to create a destination, it changed the from at the same time since they were referring to the same object.

Anyhow, that’s what I gathered from the debugging I went thru.

Case closed! :slight_smile: