I’m trying to rotate my camera to look at 4 different objects around it (90 degrees). The first thing I tried was Vector3.Slerp, but when I told it to go from 270 to 0 it went around backwards and it doesn’t seem to work with negatives. That makes sense but I couldn’t figure out how to get around it. So the next thing I went with was Quaternion.Slerp. This worked much better, 7/8 times. I hit a snag trying to go from 270 degrees to 0 degrees again, only this time it didn’t go backwards, but instead went extremely slow. So I put in slightly different values and found that going to or through 0 from 270 made it go slow (odd to me since 0 to 270 works just fine). If I went through 0 instead of to, it would go really slow until it hit 0 and then go back to normal speed to my target angle.
Sorry about the wall of text. How can I make this work (using either slerp)? Would be helpful to know how to solve both slerp issues for future reference.
I was asked for code so here it is:
void Update(){
if (rotateCamera){
Camera.main.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(Camera.main.transform.rotation, targetAngle, Time.deltaTime*50f/Vector3.Distance(Camera.main.transform.eulerAngles, targetAngle.eulerAngles));
if (Camera.main.transform.rotation == targetAngle){
rotateCamera = false;
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width/2 - Screen.height*1.5f/5, Screen.height * 1/20, Screen.height*1/10, Screen.height*1/10), "<")){
switch (armyByte){
case 0:
armyByte = 3;
targetAngle = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(-1,0,0));
case 1:
targetAngle = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(0,0,1));
case 2:
targetAngle = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(1,0,0));
case 3:
targetAngle = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(0,0,-1));
startTime = Time.time;
rotateCamera = true;
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width/2 + Screen.height*1/5, Screen.height * 1/20, Screen.height*1/10, Screen.height*1/10), ">")){
switch (armyByte){
case 0:
targetAngle = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(1,0,0));
case 1:
targetAngle = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(0,0,-1));
case 2:
targetAngle = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(-1,0,0));
case 3:
armyByte = 0;
targetAngle = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(0,0,1));
startTime = Time.time;
rotateCamera = true;