Slight slope pushback

I’ve got a slight issue with slopes using Unity’s default physics. I’m trying to code slope interactions for a 3-D character controller, but sometimes when the character interacts with a slope, they get pushed back slightly, as seen in the linked video.

I’ve noticed that the problem only occurs when Interpolate is checked, so I’m assuming it has something to do with the way Unity checks for collisions when two physics objects intersect between physics timesteps. Any ideas on how to stop this from happening? I can also send my code for movement, jumping, ground detection, and more if needed.

No such thing happens. The simulation runs, by default, during the FixedUpdate and that’s it. Per-frame, no physics is running.

As an asidem, Interpolate is nothing to do with collision detection however when it’s on, you should know that the Transform pose is not the same as the Rigidbody pose. When on, per-frame the Transform will be moving from the previous Rigidbody pose to the current Rigidbody pose. The Rigidbody is already at its current pose and only changes, as usual, when the simulation runs. This is why, when using a Rigidbody, you should never refer to the Transform pose for your queries. Doing this means you’re using old pose data.

For videos, you should try to state the part of the video that shows it because what is clear to you isn’t clear to others who are just seeing it for the first time.