Hello guys, I’m using Unity version 2022.3.0 and I’m having problems with the final build of one of my scenes, in which when I start it from the editor it’s performant and respects the final result, but the windows build seems to do drastically drop the FPS, do you have any suggestions?
Profile it?
Also if you post some profile data be much easier for us to maybe figure out why something is slow.
What type of profile do you mean? How can i do it with a build?
I understood the problem, I hadn’t set the optimizations for burst compile in the project settings and for this reason the build worked on a single thread, creating a heavy lag between build and editor.
Great to hear you fixed the problem!
Keep in mind that using Burst doesn’t imply parallelism, and vice versa. You can use multi-threaded jobs without Burst compilation, and you can use Burst for single-threaded jobs. Disabling Burst doesn’t switch jobs to a single thread, they’ll still run multi-threaded, just much slower.
I recommend using the profiler often, it clears up a lot of things and is a great way to learn how the engine (and your own code) works, lets you notice and understand performance regressions, etc.