Slow Download & Upload Speeds After Updating Windows


I recently updated windows and now my download and upload speeds are horrendously slow inside of both Gluon as well as UVCS. Has anyone else experience this issue and found a way to resolve it?

  1. I have tried completely uninstalling and reinstalling with no luck.
  2. I checked my “Delivery Optimization Settings” in windows settings, everything is unchecked on that page so it isn’t throttling any downloads of sort.
  3. I searched in the preferences for gluon/uvcs and there are no download options in there.

thats slow? heck

Id offer a body part for those speeds

You can use the following command to run an upload/download test to your cloud server.
We are not aware of any issue with the recent Windows versions.

Where are you located and where is your Plastic cloud datacenter located?

This command is just uploading/downloading some bytes so it’s fully network-dependent.

cm iostats YourOrganization@cloud --serveruploadtest --serverdownloadtest --nettotalmb=128

I ran the test twice and then ran a speed test again to compare. Still significantly slower

I am located on the west coast in california and the organization is located in the US East - Virginia datacenter.

I can see the speed test is running a test to a server in San Francisco. It makes sense if it’s much faster assuming you are in California vs connecting to a server in US East - Virginia.

The “cm iostats” command is just uploading/downloading some test data to the server, so it should be dependent only on the network speed.