slow falling character

My character falls really slowly even though it has a rigidbody2D on it. I can’t seem to figure it out. Any help would be nice thanks

Yeah I have the same issue, not sure how to fix that.

Have you tried increasing the mass of your rigidbody? Or increasing gravity from 9.8f?


Probably the view-scale. 1 world unit is 1 meter. The physics system is designed around realistic sizes and forces. You can scale up gravity and forces and reduce masses but this can make the simulation unstable.

When you say it moves slowly, how many m/s is it moving? That’s the best way to consider it.

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Ah, I hadn’t thought of that potentially being an issue. Depends entirely on sprite’s pixel per unit setting or the scale of the object in question. An 8x8 sprite would be relatively very small on the default 100 pixels per unit setting.

I’m sorry I am still too new for alot of this. is there a way to show you what’s happening? Thank you for the help you have provided so far!

Take a screenshot of the inspector when you have the gameObject selected and another when you have the raw imported image of the sprite selected then host them to imgur or something?

What is the size of the sprite image you imported?

2668457--188249--Screenshot (1).png

2668457--188250--Screenshot (3).png

Also this character isnt mine i am just using it for practicing purposes.

All of that looks fine. You shouldn’t need to push the gravity scale up to 35 on your rigidbody. Any idea the pixels per unit set on your knight PNG/JPEG file? You can check this by clicking the raw image in your Assets folder and seeing what it says in the inspector. Unity - Manual: Texture Import Settings (Scroll down to the Sprite to see what I’m talking about).

And then can you tell me the resolution of that image (i.e. 128x128) or whatever.

edit: Also, what version of Unity are you using out of curiosity?

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I am also a newbie with Unity. I try to make a game with a scrolling background and a “Player” which can jump, so I followed a tutorial on internet. But my Player was also falling very slowly… I tried to change gravity and set it to 9.8, then to 98, so it was falling faster YES ! but when I wanted to jump, the Player was jumping as high as a grain of sand… So I did cheat and add a huge force addForce(0, 200000,0, Force); , it makes me think I’m going wrong…

I am facing the same problem, using Unity 5.3, so I’m also interested, hope something can help you capnjake with what I said. I believe the image I used is kind of small.

So i check and the sprite says its 425X512 then the other change to 587X707. I push the gravity scale that high because thats the only way to actually make the character jump. Also if i am correct its a NPOT. I’m using Unity 5.3.4f1. Thanks for the help so far.

I think it may have something to do with the NPOT textures. See this post:

Is there anyway you can convert them to JPEG or PNG images? I think the scaling is getting fudged because of Unity deals with NPOT textures. I’m not really an expert in the subject and it’d be easier if I could see your project file. If you’d like I can take a look at that.

Anyone ever get anything on this? I got the same slow moving sprite. png, 16x16. gravity and forces need to be too high for it to work but it’s not realistic etc.

See my post above. Sprite texture sizes are nothing to do with it and it should be obvious that if you take off the SpriteRenderer, it’ll move the same because it’s the Rigidbody2D moving. Sprites are visual, it’s the physics that produces the dynamics (movement). It’s because you’ve got the wrong scale. Looking at cars moving from an airplane would mean they look like they’re hardly moving. Adjust your view scale. Sizes are in meters so it’s easy to produce

A good video talking about this can be found here (look at 4:10)

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Hey everyone. Just wanted to provide a potential solution to whomever may spend significant time researching the slowfall issue on their own 2d player objects.

In the player controller script, I didn’t alter the y-velocity of the rigidbody2d explicitly, but I was calculating dX with horizontalSpeed * horizontalInput * Time.fixedDeltaTime, and then called rb2d.MovePosition(position.x + dX). Removing this method of horizontal movement allowed my player character to fall with the same gravity as the imported unity 2d square shape, resolving my hours and hours of slowfall.

I had gone over scale issues, rigidbody2d composition, dynamics vs kinematics, gravity scaling, drag, about everything you might find when scouring google about the issue.

All along, it was because I was using explicit calls to position changes on the x-axis.

Maybe this post will save someone else some research time.

"A man is what he thinks about all day long.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
“May you have a song in your heart, a smile on your lips, and nothing but joy at your fingertips!” – Irish Blessing

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Even though I change the scale, small, medium, big, 0.48x. Its the same speed and still very slow

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