Slow loadup screen Unity...

We have an extremely slow loadup time on this, about 5 minutes! The unity file is 29mb and once it's loaded runs fine.

Any ideas anyone?!?


The slow load time is because you are attempting to load close to 30mb on an internet connection. This is typically bad practice because those without fast connections will be waiting quite a bit longer than 5 minutes.

For our web games we keep our initial load down around 2 mb max, and then use Asset Bundles from there to load in everything else as needed. The Unity docs have all the info you need to get started with Asset Bundles - as well as a sample project in the resources section of the site.

Hope that helps,


To reduce your web build size you can do the following:

  1. Music can use A LOT of memory, check if it is compressed.

  2. Reduce your texture sizes or/and compress them.

When you build you player it generates a log to the Editor Log, it includes showing how much memory every asset takes, take a look at that, it will show you what uses the most memory of those 29mb.